How to Use Google Analytics to Improve Your Rankings

Google Analytics is the single most powerful free organic search optimization tool on the web.
Major SEO Changes Over the Years

In the \’90s, Google ranked pages based on their own content, without weighing off-page factors. Take a look at the major SEO changes we\’ve seen since.
The Importance of Managing Your Local Search Listings
Local businesses can receive top priority in Google\’s local search listings, making it very important for local business owners to optimize their website for local search.
What is Online Marketing?
Today, I sent an email explaining Online Marketing. I thought this might be helpful for those of you who are just learning about the wonderful world of Internet Marketing… SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to organic search optimization and includes development of content and back-links to increase relevancy and page rank. This ultimately helps your […]
The Power of a New Website
As online marketers, we know better than anybody how powerful a streamlined, engaging, secure web presence can be. (MW4S7BH9K3PT) It’s the very thing that we work to give our customers every day—It’s so powerful, in fact, that we recently redesigned our own site here at The truth is, with a strong website, a business has […]
3 Powerful Ways to Boost Your Search Engine Marketing
If you’re like most small companies, you know Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a great way to boost business. When executed properly, it helps capture relevant users who are already interested in what you offer, bringing targeted customers right to your product. But what you might not know is how to use this tool most […]
Undeniable Value of SEO
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a valuable tool–powerful enough to boost traffic and, by extension, create new business. Through the right blend of strategic keywords, descriptions, content and design, your company moves higher in search results, making it easier for users to find you. And the more users that get in touch with your site, […]
Benefits of Search Friendly URLs
Simple, logical, and designed to be appealing to users, search friendly URLs are a valuable asset for businesses—because they push sites higher in search engine results, driving more traffic and, by extension, increasing potential business. Search friendly URLs are one of many factors to creating a long term SEO plan. Higher Search Results Search engines […]
Great SEO Tools
Reach more people and drive more traffic to your website by utilizing online search engine optimization tools. View our list of favorites and add your own if you want!
If You’re Not Online, Local Businesses Are Missing Out on Customers posted a great article about a survey done by Webvisible and Nielsen regarding how consumers look for local businesses online. The survey uncovered some insightful information about how local businesses are missing out on customers who may be just around the corner – but can’t find the business because they’re not online. With 82% […]